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Images: Melbourne Global
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The first baby in Indonesia to be vaccinated with the new vaccine. (Credit: Melbourne Children’s Campus)The midwives and doctor at the Jatinom Primary Health Centre in Klaten District, Central Java, which is connected to the new rotavirus trial. (Credit: Melbourne Children’s Campus)
Professor Yati Soenarto from Universitas Gadjah Mada, who has been involved in testing the new vaccine. She is with the first child in Indonesia to be given the vaccine and the child’s mother. (Credit: Melbourne Children’s Campus)Dr Evelyn Tuivaga (in black) and Dr Lisi Tikoduadua (in green). (Credit: Melbourne Children’s Campus)Dr Evelyn Tuivaga (in black) and Dr Lisi Tikoduadua (in green). (Credit: Melbourne Children’s Campus)Dr Amy Gray speaking to a colleague in Laos. (Credit: Melbourne Children’s Campus)Jarir At Thobari and colleagues from the Universitas Gadjah Mada at the Royal Children’s Hospital. (Credit: Melbourne Children’s Campus)Monica Brook, Senior Registrar at The Royal Children’s Hospital, Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. (Credit: Melbourne Children’s Campus)