Dozens of stories and interesting people at 325+ Science Week events in Victoria
- A virtual reality look inside a plant cell.
- The science of food at Queen Victoria Market.
- Game your children’s interesting in science.
- Will Australia’s biomedical research future be as bright as our past achievements? With Gustav Nossal, Anne Kelso and other research leaders.
- What do actress Hedy Lamarr, nuclear physicist Lise Meitner and Nobel winner Marie Curie have in common? Their science stories on stage.
- Ask the Interstellar visual effects wiz how to make a black hole on the big screen believable.
- Can science make the world’s most liveable city even better?
- Are your genes your destiny? Gattaca 20 years on.
- What can we learn about ancient astronomy from Mayan ruins? Ask an expert from Honduras.
- Do you have a healthy relationship with your smartphone? Researchers want to know.
More on these highlights below, and others at, and on Twitter at @SciWKMedia.