Fusion energy The US fusion news is amazing. But it’s a long way from endless clean power. The researchers probably generated enough excess energy to boil a kettle. Interviews available with …
Fusion energy
Reactions: interviews available with Australian nuclear physicists at the Australian Institute of Physics Congress in Adelaide The US experimenters apparently have got out more energy than they put …
Before the Big Bang, nuclear jobs, quantum music…
Monday at the physics national congress in Adelaide Before the Big Bang, beyond black holes: questions for Christmas lunch What came before the big bang? Is there an edge to space? What’s beyond …
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The messy death of a star
All images and detailed analysis available from the Space Telescope Science Institute at webbtelescope.org/contents/news-releases/2022/news-2022-059. Around 2500 years ago, a star ejected most of …
CSL Florey Next Generation Award
Why autistic children are more likely to have gut problems (Brisbane) - Immunotherapy for solid cancers (Melbourne) - …
A lifetime investigating malaria leads to drugs that push back on resistance… And a CSL Florey Medal
Alan Cowman wins $50,000 CSL Florey Medal for Lifetime Achievement for revealing how malaria parasites infect humans, paving the way for new drugs and vaccines for a disease that infects more than 240 …