New national research centre to transform diagnosis and treatment, starting with perfectionism, genetics, trauma links, magic mushrooms and more Launch: 9.15am Friday, 28 October 2022At the …
Human brain cells in a dish learn to play Pong
Live biological neurons show more about how a brain works than AI ever will A Melbourne-led team has for the first time shown that 800,000 brain cells living in a dish can perform goal-directed …
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Dozens of newly discovered gravitational lenses could reveal ancient galaxies and the nature of dark matter
Thousands more potential lenses await assessment Earlier this year a machine learning algorithm identified up to 5,000 potential gravitational lenses that could transform our ability to chart the …
A 380-million-year-old heart
New Curtin-led research discovers the heart of our evolution Researchers have discovered a 380-million-year-old heart – the oldest ever found – alongside a separate fossilised stomach, …
Act now to create a renewable export industry
Australia could create 395,000 new jobs and generate $89 billion in new trade by 2040 through investment in renewable energy exports. This is greater than the economic value and jobs in today’s fossil …
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Wow, wow, wow. Galaxies collide and tumble in a cosmic dance: Webb reactions
Aussie astronomers react to NASA Webb first images. Media contacts: Niall Byrne,, orJane Watkins,, Nearly 40 researchers across …