New dating of ancient human teeth discovered in a Sumatran cave site suggests modern humans were in Southeast Asia 20,000 years earlier than previously thought. The international research led by Dr …
National Science Week 2017 showcases key importance of science to the community
Press release from: Senator The Hon Arthur Sinodinous AO, Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science and Senator for NSW National Science Week, which I am delighted to launch today, provides a …
Bumper program of National Science Week events to inspire families about wonders of STEM
Media release posted on behalf of the New South Wales National Science Week Coordinating Committee and the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist 10 August 2017 Communities across New South Wales …
Dozens of stories and interesting people at 260+ Science Week events in Queensland
Scientists in the shopping mall; the science behind the energy crisis; forensic facial reconstruction; and more Brisbane Remarkable science careers: TV presenting, engineering sports tech, …
570 Science Week events in NSW New South Wales launches National Science Week with NASA’s mission to Mars; boozy botany; the chemistry of life and death and more
8 August 2017, launch at 8.30am at Australian Museum 1 William Street, Sydney. Please enter via Crystal Hall, corner of William and College Streets With NSW Chief Scientist Mary O’Kane, Australian …
Future Earth, life on Mars, and a gallery full of bloody science
August a prime time to talk innovation and science—National Science Week kicks off 12 August It’s time to plan your coverage of over 1,800 events across Australia for National Science Week from …
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