Tracy Ainsworth James Cook University Coral interactions more complex than ever suspected. Dr Tracy Ainsworth’s research is changing our understanding of the life of the tiny coral animals that built …
Can we save the tiger with mathematics?
Eve McDonald-Madden The University of Queensland Turning to mathematics to allow us to make smarter conservation decisions. The diversity of life on Earth underpins the global economy. But we’re …
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Australia’s big twist, slipped discs, poisonous rats and hungry bats
This week on radio, Tim Thwaites is talking about Australia’s big twist; slipped discs; poisonous rats; hungry bats; and more… …
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Celebrate International Women’s Day with Australian women scientists
Marking International Women's Day, five of the world's women leaders in science each received the $US100,000 L'ORÉAL-UNESCO Awards For Women in Science at a ceremony in Paris. …
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